Submission Deadline: April 16, 2021 at 3pm

4th Annual Primary Care and Hospital MedicineInnovations Symposium

May 27, 2021 9am – 3pm ET via Zoom

An initiative of the Primary Care Innovation Program | Division of General Internal Medicine | Weill Department of Medicine


Showcase your innovations in primary care at the Primary Care and Hospital Medicine Innovations Symposium!

This symposium will feature research, quality improvement, and educational innovations related to the broad field of Primary Care. The symposium will be a forum to get to know others with similar interests and to become familiar with the ongoing innovative work on campus in the Primary Care arena.                                                 



  • Faculty, trainees, students, and staff at all levels in all departments are eligible to submit an abstract.
  • Abstracts presented at national conferences may be submitted, as long as the work has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal at the time of presentation at the symposium.
  • One abstract submission per first author.
  • Abstracts must be original research, quality improvement, hospital medicine, or education/healthcare innovations focused on any topic relevant to the primary care of people of all ages.
  • Abstracts on health policy relevant to primary care are welcome.
  • One of the authors must commit to being present at the symposium to present the work remotely.

Abstract Guidelines:

The abstract submission should include the following:

  1. Title
  2. Authors, including institutional affiliation and academic title, with presenting author clearly identified (include all authors email addresses)
  3. If the presenting author is a student or trainee, identify as such and identify the mentor(s)
  4. Funding source, if any; if no funding source, state so
  5. All author potential conflicts of interest with the topic matter
  6. Abstract text, including headings of Background, Methods, Results, Limitations, Conclusions, Implications. Limit text to no more than 500 words.
  7. One figure OR one table may be included. References are not required.

Email abstracts in PDF to Arta Habili at by April ­­16, 2021 at 3 PM.

Abstracts are peer-reviewed and ranked on impact, innovation, and methods. The authors of the two most highly ranked abstracts will be invited to present their work orally at the virtual symposium. Other top abstracts will be invited to present a poster virtually. Prizes for the best abstracts of students, residents, and fellows will be awarded.


Primary Care Innovation 420 East 70th Street, LH340 New York, NY 10021 Phone: (646) 962-5900