The Primary Care Innovation Program of the Division of General Internal Medicine is pleased to invite submission of one-year project applications. The primary goal of this opportunity is to support pilot novel and innovative education and research projects in the broad field of primary care that...
The Primary Care Innovation Program of the Division of General Internal Medicine is pleased to invite submission of one-year project applications. The primary goal of this opportunity is to support pilot novel and innovative education and research projects in the broad field of primary care...
Seed Grant Winners 2021-2022
Faculty Winners:
Jonathan Lin, MD | Project Title: Risk-based Chronic Kidney Disease Care Using a Population Health Registry
Brian Eiss, MD | Project Title: A Multidisciplinary Clinical-Educational Model for Outpatient Geriatrics Consultation
...Seed Grant Winners 2019-2020
Resident Winners:
Rachel Friedlander, MD and Sophie Mou, MD | Project Title: Assessing Attitudes Comfort and Knowledge in Learners before and after a Reproductive and Sexual Health Curriculum
Lauren Balkan, MD | Project Title: DASHing toward simple...
Faculty Winners:
Madeline Sterling, MD | Project Title: Heart Failure Training for Home Care Workers in New York City
Laura Gingras, MD | Project Title: Teaching Doctor-Patient Communication in the Digital Age: A Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents...
General Internal Medicine Primary Care Innovation- Seed Grants for Innovative Primary Care Proposals
April 4, 2017
The Primary Care Innovation of the Division of General Internal Medicine is pleased to invite submission of one-year project applications. The primary goal of this opportunity is to support pilot novel and innovative education and research...